Events and community
Organising events to bring together young people and companies and promoting commitment to a common good.

Causes Toujours !
For one evening, we opened up the stage to young people working for our future, preparing themselves for the fight of the century: the climate transition.
The young people pushing the envelope
An event to demonstrate the convergence between the causes we uphold: youth as a horizon and driver for transformation, companies as the area impacted, and transitions as the challenge and modus operandi.
An event that advocates for the maturity, the testimony and conscience of the young people who have followed their convictions through to the limit and taking action every day, each in their own way. Young people who can't be ignored just because they're young!

Youth, a horizon?
Is youth, a figure of the future and a traveller through time, a harbinger of things to come? Or does youth, the figure of carelessness, youth with blinders on made of inexperience, carry unfinished ideas because they "will understand when they grow up"? How can we build tomorrow's world, between the rusty pillars of the past and utopian wishes for the future? Is a new generation the loss of what already exists, or the future? Do intergenerational discussions force us to adopt a nostalgic or rebellious stance? How can we overcome mistrust? If the wise man becomes wise through experience, what is the truth of the newcomer?
Antoine de Saint Exupéry in the words of the Little Prince, said "Baobabs, before they grow, begin by being small". But also, "All grown-ups were children first. But few of them remember that."
Youth Forever takes you on a journey through time and space to change the way you look at youth. In the words of the Little Prince, it's a colourful, surprising journey to meet men and women who draw on history, foresight, sociology, biology, philosophy, neuroscience and even poetry to sketch out a new horizon.