Youth Forever's story
L'Oréal and The Boson Project joined forces during the pandemic to study its impact on the 25 and under. The study describes a diverse age cohort who were in distress during the pandemic, but who are resilient and pragmatic and who have confidence in themselves and in the company to face up to the challenges of transition. Soon after, Youth Forever was born.
The study discovered:

Today, young people need businesses
Tomorrow, businesses will need young people
The Covid 19 pandemic, the climate crisis, among many others, are harming a generation on the verge of taking off and having an impact on the world. We need to encourage all stakeholders to sustainably compensate the consequences of the pandemic on young people and allow them to thrive at work.
In the long run and in a context of major transitions impacting organisations (environmental, technological, demographical, societal...), companies will need young people in full possession of their means to carry out major transformations. Companies need youth to thrive and survive.
As a result, at the end of 2021, the non-profit is founded with an ecosystem of employers mobilized for youth. The aim is to offset the effects of the context and enable them to meet the challenges of transition within companies and society.
Our vision
Create an intergenerational pact between:
A generation fulfilled in the
workforce and able to lead the transitions of tomorrow...
... organisations, which take care of, prepare and involve the next generation in their strategy and transformations.
Youth Forever's mission in 3 steps
Compensate for the impact of the current crises with jobs, an open ear and time for young people, both internally and externally. We cannot "sacrifice" this crucial generation.
Train youth: share knowledge, teach skills and create new governance systems, including all generations. Allow leaders and young people to exchange and learn from each other. Share power and influence.
Move from thought to action to build the world of tomorrow with those most concerned by it: companies, students and young people entering the job market, anxious to be useful, in search of sustainable performance.
We are...

An observatory that produces studies and articles to decipher and analyse generations at work.
For young people, training programmes to learn how to be heard and listened to.
Conferences and events to raise awareness on contemporary issues and bring together youth and organisations.

For employers, tools, workshops and training on HR and intergenerational issues.
Our governance

Board of directors

Emmanuelle DUEZ

General secretary


Mahasti RAZAVI

Our strategic boards
Board of Elders
Chosen for their multidisciplinary skills as well as their openness and external perspectives, in their capacity as experts in the issues directly relating to the organisation’s objectives.
Board of companies
Its members provide the organisation with financial and human resources support.
Board of Youth
Its members have demonstrated a strong desire to be involved, as well as skills that can help in Youth Forever’s activities.